Egg Production
We offer full house equipment and several options for Broilers-Breeders & Layers.
Ventilation Solutions
We are a proud distributor of Tecno , a giant in the layer housing industry with a huge American market share. Did you know that 40% of new layer housing systems in the USA are Tecno? Tecno is made in Italy and is known around the globe for their great quality. We can build your house ventilation around your layer system to maximize the air flow and hen comfort.
Pullet rearing systems – for floor systems, classic cages & aviary training
Community nests for floor systems
Novidcomp Composters
Flex & Rigid Augers
Enriched (and enrichable)
Patz manure belts and conveyors
To round out our product line we also carry Val-co’s community nest system with a center belt and can design to organic standards.
We are working with J. Dean Williamson and offering Diamond Farmpacker sales & service in BC.
We know the industry is going through some big changes. Give us a call and we can help you through it.
We also carry side-belt nests & community nests for breeder barns. We have a robust rooster pan and a flat chain hen feeder. Our egg collectors are the heaviest duty in the market.
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Egg Production